"Real Art Ways announces the first Real Art Awards. Six visual artists will receive a $2,500 cash prize, and each will have their work presented by Real Art Ways in a solo exhibition in 2018-19.
“Real Art Ways has a 42-year history of supporting artists and innovation. These awards are intended to give artists a boost of recognition and opportunity, and to highlight the importance of art and creativity in shaping our shared culture.” - Executive Director, Will K. Wilkins
The six recipients are:
Keith Clougherty: Braintree, Massachusetts
Kylie Ford: Portland, Maine
Niki Kriese: Croton, New York
Mateo Nava: New York, New York
Liona Nyariri: Brooklyn, New York
Sofia Plater: Newton, Massachusetts
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To learn more about the Real Art Awards and this year's recipients, visit the "Artist Submissions" section of our website. #realartways #realartawards #contemporaryart#emergingartists #massachusetts #maine #newyork #connecticut #hartford #parkville#visualart #sculpture #painting #installation #mixedmedia "
I know the Guerrilla Girls are holding their breath so here is the math.
Six shows are being shown. Two are by men, four are by women.
Six shows are being shown. Two are by men, four are by women.
MFAs abound. No outsiders. The smell of entitlement and Identity politics is not an illusion.
Make of it what you will.
In this case allow me to -cough- *offer* some opinionated criticism.
As simple background information, Connecticut has been mired in a one-political-union-party hostage situation for decades. The State is reeling from decades of corrupt double-dealing, insider, and self-serving gluttony at the trough of future taxpayer debt. The pigs have largely left the farm burping up tens of millions in pension benefits that third-world dictators dream of someday amassing such wealth.
I know. I'm being too kind.
To the point.
Real Art Ways is one of a handful of largely urban Connecticut Arts organizations that manage to get funded from whomever is willing to support them. I'm sure that is neither easy nor fun.
However, I think its disingenuous for Real Art Ways to make the claim that the shows awarded will somehow be innovative in some special way. As far as I can tell the six shows represent academic rebates on expensive MFA program degrees. This is not the Art of innovation, this is business as usual - insider, academic, state sponsored, political system art - obligatory, liberal fist-waving, happy parade art.
It also reinforces artistic tropes that belong to the last century. The cult of youth being an important criteria to make innovative art for instance. Or that expensive academic degrees earned by studying with Modernist trained artists and political activists make for superior art.
The cult of personality has been replaced by the practice of perseverance yet it is nowhere in evidence in these awarded shows.
In the 21st century cyberspace is far more important than geography but as a longtime Connecticut artist this is a familiar slap in the face. I have a hard time believing that NO Connecticut artists submitted their work for a show.
Its not that these cash awards are so much. But they are money that leaves the State. Poof. Connecticut is no richer for the showing. Real Art Ways hasn't nurtured a single Connecticut artist in this cycle. Shouldn't it?
It seems to me that a geographically important gallery that presumably bestows some prestige on the artists selected would, if Connecticut artists don't come to them, go out and find the artists. There are dozens of Connecticut gallery shows all over the State to mingle with.
The unfortunate message Real Art Ways is sending is:
CT artists are NOT innovative - don't come here, don't stay here.
Don't own an Ivy League-ish degree - Fuck You, don't bother
An artist of color, and outsider, or an edge artist - Fuck You too - we cater to those inside the box not the outside
CT patrons are in need of artistic carpet-baggers to educate them about art - Connecticut artists are too damned stupid to do that
The taxes Connecticut artists pay should subsidize the entitlement class - Connecticut artists don't need the money or recognition - they're losers anyway
Old is unwelcome
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